Universität Bonn

INRES Pflanzenbau

Dr. Hubert Hüging

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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Dr. Hubert Hüging


Katzenburgweg 5

53115 Bonn

My research interests have a very broad scope. On the one hand I am working on the interactions between crop, soil and atmosphere (soil water, crop yields, phenology, nutrients, weather, crop management …) and on the other hand I am supporting various projects of our group at the technical level.

A lot of ambition I put into the support and maintenance of the Long-term Experiment Dikopshof which was applied in 1904.

  • Dauerdüngungsversuch Dikopshof
  • Crop sequence and nutrient acquisition from the subsoil
  • Transregio 32
  • Heat and Drought stress

Cheng, Q., Y. Sun, J. Lin, L. Damerow, P. Schulze Lammers, H. Hueging, 2012. Applying two-dimensional Fourier Transform to investigate soil surface porosity by laser-scanned data. Soil & Tillage Research 124, 183-189. DOI:10.1016/j.still.2012.06.016.

Sun, Y., H. Druecker, E. Hartung, H. Hueging, Q. Cheng, Q. Zheng, W. Sheng, J. Lin, O. Roller, S. Paetzold and P. Schulze Lammers, 2011. Map-based investigation of soil physical conditions and crop yield using diverse sensor techniques. Soil & Tillage Research 112, 149-158. DOI:10.1016/j.still.2010.12.002.

Sun, Y., J. Lin, P. Schulze Lammers, L. Damerow, H. Hüging, H. Zhang, W. Sun 2009. Predicting surface Porosity using a fine-scale index of roughness in a cultivated field. Soil & Tillage Research 103, 57-64. Doi: 10.1016/j.still.2008.09.009.

Zeng, Q., Y. Sun, P. Schulze Lammers, D. Ma, J. Lin, H. Hüging, 2008. Improvement of a dual-sensor horizontal penetrometer by incorporating an EC sensor. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 64, 2, 333-337. Doi:10.1016/j.compag.2008.05.012.

Anger, M., H. Hüging, C. Huth, W. Kühbauch, 2002. Nitrat-Austräge auf intensiv und extensiv beweidetem Grünland, erfasst mittels Saugkerzen- und Nmin- Beprobung. 1. Einfluss der Beweidungsintensität. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Science 165, 640-647.

  • MSc Natural resource use and management in plant production
  • MSc Methods for agricultural research
  • MSc Precision Agriculture
  • BSc Ackerbaumanagement und Technologie in der Pflanzenproduktion
  • BSc Grundlagen der Pflanzenproduktion II

Mitglied in der Planungs- und Finanzkommission der Fakultät. 2

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