Universität Bonn

INRES Crop Science

Investigation of the influence of different fertilizer quantities and types (at DDV Dikopshof) OR of cereal-legume mixtures vs sole cropping (CKA) on plant growth and nitrogen losses

Master thesis

Research area

Crop science

Motivation / State of the art / Relevance

Since 1953, the effects of varying fertilization practices on five field crops (winter wheat, winter rye, sugar beet, clover and potato) were investigated in a long-term field experiment near Bonn, Germany (Dikopshof). Distinct amounts of crop nutrients (N, P, K and CaO) were applied as synthetic fertilizer, farmyard manure or a combination of both in 24 fertilization treatments.


What are the effects of fertilization (and crop mixtures vs sole cropping) on crop growth and N2O losses?

Methodology / Procedure / Workscope / external cooperation

The student will sample Persian clover and winter rye plants on several dates in spring and summer 2024 in 6 treatments and measure about biweekly laughing gas (N2O) emissions in-situ. The student will be supported by student assistants. In the EU project IntercropVALUES, scientists aim to assess the crop performance and key ecosystem services (ES) of intercrops versus sole crops in various experiments located in and outside of Europe. One of the field trials is located at Campus Klein-Altendorf (University of Bonn). It is comprised of 14 treatments and tests sole crops (faba bean and two spring wheat cultivars) and the in-row mixture of both crops at different levels of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilization.

The student will sample in the solely and the mixed treatments of sprig-wheat and faba bean on several dates in spring and summer 2024 in 6 treatments and about biweekly measure N2O emissions in-situ. The student will be supported by student assistants.

This work will include a literature review, several field days at Dikopshof or CKA, some days in the lab (Campus Bonn) for processing of shoot samples and leaf area measurements

Expected results

Experimental data analysis (text, tables, figures)


About 6 Month (spring/summer 2024). The first sampling campaign should be in February/March


English or German


Dr. Sabine Seidel, Pflanzenbau



Additional information

EU project IntercropVALUES and BLE/BMEL project

Experimental sites: LTFE Dikopshof near Wesseling (between Bonn and Cologne) OR at CKA near Meckenheim

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