Investigation of the influence of different fertilizer quantities and types (at DDV Dikopshof) OR of cereal-legume mixtures vs sole cropping (CKA) on plant growth and nitrogen losses
Master thesis, English or German
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Master Theses
Investigation of the influence of different fertilizer quantities and types (at DDV Dikopshof) OR of cereal-legume mixtures vs sole cropping (CKA) on plant growth and nitrogen losses
BSc thesis, English or German
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Bachelor Theses
Site-specific calibration of soil moisture sensors in Brandenburg
BSc thesis, English or German
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Bachelor Theses
Comparison of root image analysis software and their potential effects on root studies
Master thesis, English or German
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Master Theses
Nature review on climate change impacts on crop yields
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Nature data paper on multi-year belowground data of minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen
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Morphological responses of old and modern wheat cultivars under varying soil N conditions
Master thesis, English or German
Located in
Master Theses
Morphological responses of old and modern wheat cultivars under varying soil N conditions
BSc thesis, English or German
Located in
Bachelor Theses
Leaf photosynthesis responses of old and modern wheat cultivars under varying soil N conditions
Master thesis, English or German
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Master Theses
Leaf photosynthesis responses of old and modern wheat cultivars under varying soil N conditions
BSc thesis, English or German
Located in
Bachelor Theses